Frequently Asked Questions
A Short List of What Acupuncture Can Help

Allergies, Sinus Problems, Asthma
Anxiety, Depression, Grief
Autoimmune Conditions
Bell's Palsy
Common Cold, Low Immunity
Digestive and Intestinal Problems
Habits, Addictions, Smoking Cessation
Fertility Support, Low Sperm Count
Insomnia, Dream-disturbed sleep
Mental Health Support
Migraines, Headaches
Menstrual Pain and Irregularity, PCOS
Menopausal Symptoms
Pain of all types, acute and chronic
PTSD, Cycling Thoughts, Panic Attacks
....the list goes on!

Hidden Root Acupuncture's Web Accessibility Statement
1. At Hidden Root Acupuncture, we’re committed to accessibility. It is our policy to ensure that everyone, including persons with disabilities, has full and equal access to our digital offerings.
2. We welcome your feedback about your experience on hiddenrootacu.com.
Email us at jackie@hiddenrootacu.com with any questions or comments you have.
3. Hidden Root Acupuncture strives to conform to the following accessibility standards:
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA, PDF/Universal Accessibility (PDF/UA).
For more information on web accessibility and legal requirements, here are helpful resources: