Help your body and mind emotionally prepare for a storm with simple techniques you can do at home.

As Severe Weather Approaches, Have a Plan
Here in Southern Louisiana, we are unfortunately very familiar with hurricanes, tornadoes, torrential downpours, and severe weather in general. Before we dive into ways that Acupressure and other methods can ease anxiety during hurricane season (and other stressful times), first and foremost, HAVE A PLAN. Make sure you are keeping track of weather updates and warnings and have an emergency kit ready with essentials like food, water, medications, and important documents ready.
If you need a preparation refresher, please read up on recommendations by the American Red Cross.
How Anxiety Might Affect Your Body
Preparing for a storm feels stressful, whether we are hunkering down at home or have evacuated and are watching it roll in from afar via media. Feeling a lack of control often causes stress and anxiety in the body which may present as:
nausea, indigestion, and diarrhea
headaches and migraine
physical pain flare ups
insomnia and nightmares
irritability and having a "shorter fuse"
crying, depression, despair
If we are already prone to Liver Qi Stagnation, stressful times might flare up our symptoms even more. Wind is associated with the Liver and the Wood Element, so energetically, a literal windy and destructive hurricane can cause us to feel unbalanced, ungrounded, and "throw us off our feet" as it approaches.
Sound like you? You're not alone!
Picture this: New Orleans' huge oak trees sway and bend in the high winds of a hurricane, yet they survive the storm by being deeply rooted in the ground. We can use nature's wisdom and do this, too!
Let's dive into ways we can help calm anxiety and support our wellbeing on a mental, physical, and energetic level as a hurricane or inclement weather approaches.
How to Manage Storm-Related Anxiety with Chinese Medicine
1 - Stick to Your Routine As Much as You Can
After preparations are finished, make sure you are eating regularly, taking breaks from remote work, and minimizing stressful news watching and scrolling. Make sure you are replenishing your sleep reserves by getting to bed on time or scheduling in daytime naps if you've had some restless nights.
If you're experiencing little to no appetite, we recommend a traditional Chinese "cure-all": congee. Not only is it easy to digest, but also deeply nourishing (and you can cook it on your gas range if your power goes out!)
Anyone who says they're not afraid at the time of a hurricane is either a fool or a liar, or a little bit of both. - Anderson Cooper
2 - Focus on Relaxation Techniques
Activities that help you stay balanced, rooted, and in the present moment include journaling, meditation, and gentle movement where the breath and awareness of your body is emphasized, like yoga, qi gong, or tai chi. Getting your hands literally in the earth with activities like gardening or playing with sand or clay can also help ground us as well.
If you feel up for it, try some gentle exercise that you can do inside your house like yoga, weight lifting, or light cardio (like jumping jacks and jump rope). Getting your heart rate up can help that stuck, nervous energy flow out of your body as you release some endorphins and get a little sweat going!
3- Acupuncture Points for Anxiety During A Hurricane
At each acupressure point location, use your finger to apply pressure for 3-5 minutes each. Close your eyes, practice deep breaths, and notice how your thoughts and body awareness might shift. Don't worry about getting the location just right-- your finger is much larger than an acupuncture needle, so rest-assured, you are on the right spot! Check out our 5 acupuncture points for anxiety below:

1. Heart 7 Point: This point is located on the wrist crease just off the center line of the wrist towards the little finger side. Applying pressure to this point can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety.

2. Pericardium 6 Point: This point is located on the inner forearm, about two to three finger widths below the wrist crease right down the center line. Pressing this point can help alleviate nausea, anxiety, and racing thoughts.

3. Yintang Point: Located between the eyebrows, this point is often referred to as the "third eye." Gentle pressure on this point can help calm the mind, reduce stress, and help us tap into our intuition.

4. Ren 17 Point: This point is located in the center of the chest, between the nipples. Pressing this point can help regulate emotions and calm the mind.

Gallbladder 21 Point**: At the highest point of the shoulder muscle, midway between the base of the neck and the tip of the shoulder is GB 21. This point may help alleviate headaches release emotional stress, and relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.
**Do not press this point if you are pregnant as it promotes a downward flow of Qi (which we want to avoid until the due date).
4- Practice Sounds Associated with the Five Elements
Just like each of the 5 Elements has associated organs, seasons, tastes, and emotions, they also have an associated sound:
Wood Element | Shouting, Yelling |
Fire Element | Laughing |
Earth Element | Singing |
Metal Element | Weeping, Crying |
Water Element | Groaning, Sighing |
See which one resonates with you right now, and then let it out! Sometimes surrendering to our emotions can move stuck energy and feel quite relieving. These sounds get vibrations moving all throughout the body, harmonizing our organs and energy channels from the inside-out.

5 - Acupuncture and Herbs
Before or after the storm, come in for an acupuncture treatment to help calm the mind and body as they seek a more balanced state. We also have herbal formulas in stock that can help you stay calm and rooted even during life's most stressful times.
Make an appointment today with us at Hidden Root Acupuncture in New Orleans, Louisiana to learn more about how we might be able to help!
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